Tommy the Turtle
Color Splash
"Tommy the Turtle: Color Splash"
This game is designed to teach children age 3 - 9 and beyond:
Shapes, Colors, Alphabet, Letter Sounds, Handwriting, Math, Math Readiness,
Spatial Differentials, Matching, Patterns and more.
The curriculum has been carefully planned for classroom integration and at home use.
This game is an underwater journey of new abilities and educational facts.
Children of all abilities will enjoy getting to know "Tommy the Turtle"
and all the friends he meets along the way.

Early Education is key in a child's learning ability, it helps establish the fundamentals for an ability to grow and thrive. We appreciate that kids want to have fun while they learn and if they can stay entertained and engaged while discovering new abilities- the opportunity becomes a success!
Our games are designed with special needs in mind, they are deliberately thought out where they bring maximum enjoyment with no distractions of traditional games. We keep the child focused on the skill at hand and motivated to continue pushing boundaries.
Sneak Peek
Jeanetta Bryant
Producer / Designer
Emma Bachman
Educational Expert / Designer
Tyler Brennan
Lead Artist / Animator
Brandon Austin
UX Engineer / Gameplay Programmer
Matt Hansen
Travis Fort
Carson Dolbier
Evan Bass
Dale Diaz
Boo Roseman
Chelsea Ziu
Ben Pirkey
Hannah Pogue
Voice Talent
Michael Reckoff
Team Producer
Paradise Lagoon
Brandon Fiechter and Derek Fiechter
Creating a game, an app - a learning device takes time, talent and a great deal of hard work. "Tommy the Turtle: Color Splash" was a team effort from day one. We were fortunate to work with talented Developers, Designers, Artists, Animators and Project Managers. Everyone who worked on and contributed ideas really shared a passion about getting this game completed in an effort to help kids.

As a parent with a child diagnosed with Autism, I know first hand how using the right tools can help kids achieve their best. Watching my daughter master the IPAD and enjoy the different apps inspired me to think of a more comprehensive tool, a new platform for education and to make it fun! This game is packed full of engaging colors, actions, information without the distractions allowing for focus and growth.
-Jeanetta Bryant
Hi! I graduated from Florida State University with my Master's Degree in Exceptional Student Education (ESE). My passion for teaching those with special needs started early and since then each relationship I've made with my students has made me not only a stronger teacher but also a better person. When the opportunity to work on a new platform came along, I was eager to contribute, it is my goal for this to be a system that kids, families and teachers can use and enjoy in tandem.
- Emma Bachman

​I am the lead digital artist for this project, I hold a B.F.A in Interactive Game Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design and currently reside in Seattle, Washington. I love to hike and explore the great outdoors as well as draw fantasy art and dabble in game design and production in my spare time. My favorite color is blue. This project is important to me because knowing kids with special needs inspires you to help kids with special needs.
-Tyler Brennan
Since I entered the industry I have been dedicated to bringing groundbreaking interactive media to life through code and design. I believe that meaningful play is one of the most effective ways to learn critical skills and stay engaged. There is vast potential for innovative learning technology and my mission is to spread happiness to children and parents alike.
-Brandon Austin