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Are you Searching for Autism Answers?



ABA Therapy

John Adelinis

Founder of BASS ABA Therapy


Speech Therapy

Alyssa Prinzi, M.A., CCC-SLP

Co-Owner of More Than Speech


Physical Therapy

Thuan Vuu, PT, DPT  


Occupational Therapy

Sarah Canfield, MS, OTR/L


Music Therapy

Tamala Ponder

Founder of Joyful Music Therapy


Feeding Therapy

Tammy Bishop, MS, OTR/L


Developmental Therapy

Dr. Shelley Stravitz

Parent and Professional Educator


Social Therapy

Stephanie West

Founder of Starfish Social Club



Jenn Sikora

Brand Ambassador 


Special Needs Planning

Phillip Clark

Founder of ENABLE


Government Programs

Alexandra Baig

Certified Financial Planner


Medicaid Waiver

Scarlett Kibbey

Founder of The Special Needs
Guidance Group


Pooled Trust

Joanne Marcus, MSW

Executive Director of
Commonwealth Community Trust


Trust Planning

Ryan Platt

Founder of A Special Needs Plan


Brain Fog

Dr. James Neuenschwander

Founder of Bio Energy Medical Center



Dr. Jean-Ronel Corbier

Board Certified Neurologist


Anxiety & Aggression

Dr. Jerry Kartzinel

Board Certified Pediatrician


Language Development

Dr. Jared Skowron

Founder of Pediatric & Family

Center for Natural Medicine


Visual Spatial Processing

Dr. Jenna Williams-McDermed

Board Certified Optometric Physician


Finding Resources

Rori Becker

Founder of Bright Feats



Jessica Barisano

Founder of Collaborative

Corner for Exceptional Children


Education IEP vs 504

Stephanie Knapp, CP

Owner of Advocates In Education


Self Care

Heather Subbert

Director of Access Ministries 


Self-Care During Trauma

Nicole Irvine

Motivational Speaker, Author


Navigating Social Media

Andi Stowe

Founder of Nourished Blessings


Safe Platforms

Summer Petrosius

Founder of Kindship

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     Have you recently had a loved one diagnosed with Autism or another special need? Are you trying to understand all the options and navigate the path for success for your child? It can be challenging. You may be considering therapy options to implement at home or determining what elements are important in your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) in the classroom. In addition to this, knowing  you have financial planning and government benefit decisions to make may make you wonder- “where do I start?”.


     Access Ability has been designed for this moment. We have partnered with 26 industry experts to bring you the resources you need to craft your child’s plan. Understanding how to navigate Autism and the critical information that surrounds it is imperative to you finding success. This 4-part national series is conveniently published online, to best fit your busy schedule, and highlights all of the critical topics for a newly diagnosed family. Additionally, you will receive 4 coinciding workbooks to help you access, study, and learn about the topics presented. The series is approximately 6 hours of instruction, insight, and guidance broken down into small easy to follow segments. If you are looking for an introduction to navigating an Autism diagnosis, Access Ability is your answer.

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Access Ability Moments

Please watch any of the above clips to gain insight on what to expect watching Access Ability

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Cover Art by Vichy! Some of the best artists deal with disabilities in their everyday lives that the rest of us can’t even imagine living with, and use art to communicate with the world. The results are often stunning. Viktor is a 12 year old and non verbal boy diagnosed with Autism. He has difficulties with connecting with the world, even the closest family. He is unable to attend a standard school and struggles with many everyday situations. He proves Autism is no barrier to creativity. He has an ability to focus on detail and he can understand how colors interact with each other. Viktor lives in Aventura, Florida.
See more of his work Here:
 "Rolling Enrollment"
Access the entire 6 hour series of media on your schedule. These presentations are each broken into 4 segments and comes with 4 coinciding Workbooks mailed to your home. Once you purchase your kit you will have access to the media files for 30 days.  

Please Contact with any questions.
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Parent Programs
offered by Abilities Workshop 

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Abilities Workshop, Inc

501(c)(3) Non Profit

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